Curriculum vitae

Personal/Contact information

  • Surnames, Name: Martín Huertas, Alberto Francisco

  • Birth place: Cartagena (Murcia)

  • Citizenship: Spaniard

  • Job Address: Hanna Neumann Building (#145), Office 4.16, ACTON campus, Canberra, ACT 2600

  • Institutional Webpage: TBA

Researcher Identification

Academic degrees

  • Mar, 2006 - Jul, 2010: PhD in Computational Science by Universitat Jaume I, Castellon, Spain. Dissertation: Exploiting Thread-Level Parallelism in the Preconditioning and the Iterative Solution of Sparse Linear Systems. Advisors: Prof. J. I. Aliaga-Estelles and Prof. E. S. Quintana-Ortí

  • Mar, 2006 - Dec, 2007: Master of Advanced Studies by Universitat Jaume I, Castellon, Spain. Master thesis: Parallel Multilevel Preconditioners Constructed from Inverse-based ILUs on Shared-Memory Multiprocessors. Advisors: Prof. J. I. Aliaga-Estelles and Prof. E. S. Quintana-Ortí

  • Sep, 2000 - Sep, 2005: Bachelor in Computer Science by Universitat Jaume I, Castellon, Spain.

Research Interests

  • Computational Mathematics.

  • Computational Science and Engineering.

  • High Performance Scientific Computing.

  • Partial Differential Equations. Finite Elements.

  • Parallel Preconditioning for Large Scale PDEs.

  • Scalable Domain Decomposition Preconditioners.

  • Scientific Machine Learning.

  • Artificial Neural Networks.

  • GPU computing.

  • Open Source Scientific Software.


After completing my PhD studies at Universitat Jaume I, and a short 6-month post-doc at that university (EU-FP7 TEXT project), I moved to Barcelona (Spain) in Mar, 2011, where I did post-doctoral research until Dec, 2015. I worked for CIMNE/UPC funded by two competitive post-doctoral research grants (awarded by UPC and the Catalan gov, resp.) Besides, I participated in two strategic EU projects for CIMNE, the ERC Starting Grant COMFUS, to support basic research in scalable numerical algorithms for the HPC simulation of realistic fusion technology problems, and the EU-FP7 NUMEXAS project, towards the next generation of advanced numerical methods for future exascale computing infrastructures. In Jan, 2016 I was promoted as senior researcher at CIMNE, position which I held until Nov, 2019. Then, early 2020, I moved to Monash University, Australia, where was appointed as senior research fellow for a 3-year period after winning an international call for candidates. Since Dec, 2022, I am working at the Australian National University (ANU). My research on these positions is focused on points 1., 2. and 3. above with application to computational magnetohydrodynamics, electromagnetics, thermo-mechanics, and geophysical flows.

Current position

  • December, 2022 – today: Senior lecturer at ANU, Canberra, Australia.

Previous positions

  • January, 2020 – November, 2022: Research fellow at Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.

    Includes research on new algorithms and software design of large scale scientific applications. Research topics: parallel numerical methods for geophysical flows, hybridizable finite element schemes, scientific machine learning for PDEs. Design and implementation of GridapDistributed and GridapHybrid and GridapDistributed, a Julia framework for the FE simulation of problems governed by PDEs. (See research)

  • December, 2015 – November, 2019: Senior researcher International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE), Barcelona, Spain.

    Includes research on new algorithms and software design of large scale scientific applications. Research topics: Unfitted FE methods. Extreme scale Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) via forests-of-trees. Domain decomposition preconditioners for multi-material and truly-heterogeneous problems. Large scale modelling of High Temperature Superconductors (HTS) and Additive Manufacturing (AM) processes. Design and implementation of FEMPAR, an object-oriented framework for the FE simulation of problems governed by PDEs.

  • February, 2014 - November, 2019: Adjoint Professor at Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC), Barcelona, Spain.

    Responsible for the organization and deployment of an introductory master course on HPC domain decomposition solvers within the framework of the UPC/CIMNE Master for Numerical Methods in Engineering (MNME) and the Erasmus Mundus Master on Computational Mechanics.

  • July, 2012 – November, 2015: Postdoc researcher at Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC), Barcelona, Spain.

    Includes research on new algorithms and software design of large scale scientific applications. Research topics: Novel stabilized FE formulations and parallel block preconditioners for the MagnetoHydroDynamics (MHD) PDE system with application to computational fusion. Extreme scale iterative substructuring domain decomposition methods for PDEs. Hybrid message-passing/multi-threaded implementations of these methods on current multicore-based massively parallel computers. Performance evaluation of developed software on large-scale computing infrastructures. Design and implementation of FEMPAR, an object-oriented framework for the FE simulation of problems governed by PDEs. (See research)

  • March, 2011 – July, 2012: Post-doc researcher at International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE), Barcelona, Spain. (See research)

  • September, 2010 – March, 2011: Post-doc researcher at Universitat Jaume I, Dpto. de Ingenieria y Ciencia de los Computadores, Castellon, Spain.

    Includes research and software developing. Research topics: novel parallel programming models, exploitation of MPI/SMPSs task dataflow parallelism within distributed software for dense linear algebra (ScaLAPACK library), performance evaluation of developed software on large-scale computing infrastructures

  • March, 2006 – July, 2010: Graduate Research Assistant at Universitat Jaume I, Dpto. de Ingenieria y Ciencia de los Computadores, Castellon, Spain.

    Includes Ph.D.research, Ph.D. and DEA level coursework. Research topics: parallel algorithms for inverse-based factorization-based preconditioning and iterative solution of large and sparse linear systems, developer of the parallel/multi-threaded version of the ILUPACK numerical linear algebra library

  • Feb. – Jun., 2008 & Feb. – Jun., 2009 & Sept., 2009 – Feb., 2010: Graduate Research Assistant at Universitat Jaume I, Dpto. de Ingenieria y Ciencia de los Computadores, Castellon, Spain.

    Leading weekly computer lab exercises for introductory bachelor courses in Computer Science and Computer Architecture

  • October, 2004 - June, 2005: Undergraduate Research Assistant at Universitat Jaume I, Dpto. de Ingenieria y Ciencia de los Computadores, Castellon, Spain.

    Includes undergraduate research and software developing. Topic: Parallel model reduction library PLiCMR and Octave API

Grants, Honors and Awards

  1. PostDoc fellowship (PDJ2013) awarded annually by AgEncia de GestiO d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR). November, 2013 - November, 2015.

  2. PostDoc fellowship awarded annually by the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC). July, 2012 - November, 2013.

  3. PhD. graduated with honors (Excellent Cum Laude). July, 2010.

  4. PhD. fellowship awarded annually by the Universitat Jaume I. 2006 - 2010.

  5. PhD. fellowship awarded annually by the Generalitat Valenciana (local government). 2006 - 2010.

  6. Universitat Jaume I annual award (premio extraordinario) to the bachelor student with the best cv in Computer Science. March, 2006

  7. Undergraduate research scholarship awarded annually by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Education. 2004-2005.

Teaching and research supervision activities

  1. PhD student co-supervision. Start date: Dic, 2021. Project title: Scientific Machine Learning for Inverse Problems. Student: Wei Li. School: Mathematics. Organization: Monash University, Australia.

  2. PhD student co-supervision. Start date: Jan, 2022. Project title: Nonlinear hierarchical preconditioners for numerical PDEs. Student: Kishore Nori. School: Mathematics. Organization: Monash University, Australia.

  3. AMSI APR intership supervision (together with BOM). Project title: Geofem: A test bed for geophysical flows on the cubed sphere using mixed finite elements. Year: 2021. Student: C. Bladwell.

  4. AMSI VRS student supervision. Year: 2020-2021. Project title: Development of HPC hybrid multiscale methods. Student: J. Vandenberg. School: Mathematics. Organization: Monash University, Australia.

  5. Post-doc researcher supervision (Dr. Manuel Caicedo). Topic: adaptive unfitted finite element techniques for nonlinear solid mechanics. Period: 2018-2020.

  6. Module leader in the unit Introduction to Scientific Coding of the Bachelor degree in Science. Year: 2020/2021/2022. School: Mathematics. Organization: Monash University, Australia.

  7. Co-organizer of a MSc. course in domain decomposition methods at the International Master in Computational Mechanics. Years (2nd semester): 2014-2015; 2015-2016; 2016-2017; 2017-2018; 2018-2019. School: ETSECCPB. Organization: UPC, Spain.


See publications here.


  • Reviewer invitation to JCR-indexed journals. Q1-ranked: Journal of Scientific Computing (2020), Computer Physics Communications (2020), Computers and Mathematics with Applications (2020), Additive Manufacturing (2020), Computer Physics Communications (2019), Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics (2019); Q2-ranked: Computational Materials Science (2019); and Q3-ranked: Parallel Computing (2016).

  • Conference reviewer of Supercomputing 2011, Euro-Par 2010, PPAM 2009, EuroPVM/MPI


  • 02/03/2017: AQU Associate Professor accreditation by AQU.

  • 05/03/2015: AQU Lecturer accreditation by AQU.

Participation in Selected Research Projects

I have developed several R&D management roles. Within the FETHPC-H2020 ExaQute project, I have led the space-time parallelization working package. This allowed me to fund/supervise a 2-year post-doc on numerical methods for large-scale non-linear solid mechanics problems. Besides, in the ERC PoC FEXFEM project, and the EU-FP7 FORTISSIMO projects, acting as delegated PI, I led the corresponding research project teams. Besides, in collaboration with researchers from these institutions, and other EU-level ones, I have participated with major contributions to several high-quality funded EU-level research projects (1x ERC StG, 2x ERC PoC, 2x EU-FP7, 3x EU-H2020, 1x ARC DP), while I have reached to a large extent a position of professional maturity and independence.

  • DP210103092: Interface-aware numerical methods for stochastic inverse problems. Project funded by the Australian Research Council (ARC). Period: 09/2021-08/2024.

  • ExaQUte: EXAscale Quantification of Uncertainties for TEchnology and science simulation. Project funded by the European Commission (H2020). Reference: 800898. Period: 06/2018-06/2021.

  • EMUSIC: Efficient Manufacturing for Aerospace Components USing Additive Manufacturing, Net Shape HIP and Investment Casting. Project funded by the European Commission (H2020). Reference: 690725. Period: 04/2016-03/2019.

  • CAxMan: Computer Aided Technologies for Additive Manufacturing. Project funded by the European Commission (H2020). Reference: 680448. Period: 09/2015-08/2018.

  • NUWASIM: On a Nuclear Waste Deep Repository Simulator. Project funded by the European Research Council (ERC). Reference: 737439. Period: 11/2016-04/2018.

  • FEXFEM: On a free open source extreme scale finite element software. Project funded by the European Research Council (ERC). Reference: 640957. Period: 03/2015-09/2016.

  • Multi-physics simulation of high temperature superconducting devices (experiment integrated as part of the whole FORTISSIMO project).Project funded by the European Commission (FP7).Reference: 609029 . Period: 06/2015-09/2016.

  • NUMEXAS: Numerical Methods and Tools for Key Exascale Computing Challenges in Engineering and Applied Sciences.Project funded by the European Commission (FP7). Reference: FP7-ICT-611636. Period: 10/2013-09/2016.

  • COMFUS: Computational Methods for Fusion Technology. Project funded by the European Research Council (ERC). Reference: 258443 - COMFUS. Period: 1/2011-12/2015.

  • TEXT: Towards EXaflop applicaTions. Project funded by the European Commission (FP7). Reference: EU INFRA-2010-1.2.2. Period: 6/2010-5/2012.

Spoken Languages

  • Native in Spanish

  • Advanced in English

Seminars and Invited Talks

  • Monash Workshop on Numerical Differential Equations and Applications, Melbourne, Australia. February, 2020

  • Organizer and lecturer of the Fortran Modernization Workshop at UPC. Research-oriented workshop, targeting CSE practitioners and researchers, that encourages, among others, the usage of clean and modern software engineering practices in scientific software. This workshop is free for the attendees, and is funded by NAG (private company) and the UK government. I chaired the last instance of the workshop, held at UPC in July, 2017. 70x researchers from different institutions and countries (Spain, Portugal, Germany, Holland, USA, and Sweden) attended the workshop. Barcelona, Spain. July, 2017.

  • SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering. Invited Speaker to Minisymposium, Atlanta, USA. March, 2017

  • 17th ILAS Conference, Young Researchers Minisymposium on Parallel Numerical Linear Algebra. Braunschweig, Germany. August, 2011.

  • IBM research – Zurich Lab. Rüschlikon, Switzerland. August,2010.

  • Centre Internacional de Mètodes Numèrics a l'Enginyeria (CIMNE). Barcelona, Spain. November, 2009

  • Institut Computational Mathematics, Carl-Friedrich-Gauss Fakultät, TU Braunschweig. Braunschweig, Germany. July, 2009

  • SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering. Invited Speaker to Minisymposium, Miami, USA. March, 2009

  • 5th International Workshop on Parallel Matrix Algorithms and Applications. Invited Speaker to Minisymposium, Neuch\^{a}tel, Switzerland. June, 2008

Research stays

  • Institut Computational Mathematics, Carl-Friedrich-Gauss Fakultät, TU Braunschweig. Braunschweig, Germany. September, 2006 & October-December, 2007 & July, 2008 & July, 2009

Research Products with Intellectual Property

Author (together with Profs. S. Badia and J. Principe) and essential contributor to FEMPAR: Finite Element Multiphysics PARallel scientific computing software.

I am also leading the GridapHybrid.jl, GridapDistributed.jl, and GridapGeosciences.jl packages. I am also a developer of Gridap.jl. These packages provide a fresh FE framework written in Julia for the numerical simulation of models governed by PDEs, from desktop/laptops to supercomputers. These packages exploit the modern features of the Julia language in order to strike a remarkable balance among performance and generality via appropriate mathematically-driven software abstractions.

Programming skills

CC BY-SA 4.0 Alberto F Martín. Last modified: March 14, 2025. Website built with Franklin.jl and the Julia programming language.